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Writer's pictureLeah Walters

Where God Dwells

“This is what the Lord says:

Heaven is My throne,

and earth is My footstool.

What house could you possibly build for Me?

And what place could be My home?

My hand made all these things,

and so they all came into being.

This is the Lord’s declaration.

I will look favourably on this kind of person:

one who is humble, submissive in spirit,

and trembles at My word.” – Isaiah 66:1-2

God made Himself known through the prophet Isaiah, by reminding Israel of His glory and His majesty. His kingdom exists over all His creation – and He never has or never will be limited to a building. But since the Garden of Eden, God has desired to live amongst His people. To share intimacy with those He loves.

God desires a heart after Him. People who will serve Him, but with the right heart. Someone who is desperate for Him, depending fully on His strength and His power. Someone who trembles at the Word of God – trembles with reverence, desperate to follow the will of God because He is God, and we are not.

Any place we could build with our hands – regardless of how beautiful it may appear to be – is vastly inadequate for a God Who is present everywhere. And yet, through the Holy Spirit He is willing to come and make His home in us. To rest His presence in our lives to guide and direct us, because He loves us so much.

Since our bodies are the Temples where His Spirit lives, how are we doing at honouring the place where He dwells? What kind of dwelling are we creating for Him? Are there any areas in us, places we go, things that we do, that need cleansing to make it more comfortable and viable for Him to move and work in us? Are we humble and submissive to His Spirit and His Word?

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