We can become so paralyzed with fear that fear becomes the voice behind every one of our thoughts. It can be so consuming that it stops us in our tracks, with even the potential to cause us to hide from the future God intended for us.
“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands…” 1 Samuel 17:45-46
The Israelites were so consumed by the fear of the Philistine army, specifically because of the giant warrior named Goliath, and the fact that he taunted them twice a day for forty days straight – daring them to send out their best warrior to fight him…the winner to claim victory over their opponent’s army. The torment of Goliath not only had them trembling in fear, but it caused them to hide.
It’s easy to hide when we’re faced with fear.
The enemy wants us to succumb to that voice of fear that says to relinquish. To stop what we’re doing. To not pursue what God wants us to do.
All manner of voices arise to instill fear in our heads.
Until we choose to listen to Truth.
God’s voice brings us to victory.
That doesn’t mean what He calls us to will be easy. Often, it’s not. But it does mean His ways are better than our ways. And, if listening to His voice, we can reign victorious over the fear that satan tries to trap us in.
When David arrived at the Israelite camp to visit his brothers, he didn’t give in to the fear that everyone else around him had. He listened to the voice of God. The voice of victory, and stepped up to take Goliath down.
David’s words to Goliath spoke boldly of where his confidence came from and the trust he put in his God – even in the face of overwhelming odds: “This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands…”
God still does this today.
He delivers us from the traps of fear.
He delivers us from the ‘Goliaths’ in our lives that we face.
He calls us to action – to make a stand – and in the face of fear, He’ll deliver us.
Is there a Goliath in your life that you’re facing?
Are you listening more to the voice of fear or are you listening to the voice of victory that says, “I will deliver you!”?
Let’s claim victory today! Let His words give you confidence to come out of hiding, to reject the paralyzing fear, and face it head-on! How blessed a people we are, that our God is faithful!