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Writer's pictureLeah Walters

Until the day I die...

I love reading through the book of Psalm.

Pouring over the ancient prayers and songs of praise.

I love how throughout the Bible, we see prophets quote from the Psalms, and the entire nation of Israel sing together psalms of remembrance and praise as they ascended to Jerusalem to worship God.

I love that Jesus loved the psalms and quoted from it - even some of His last words while on the cross, were from this book: “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” – Psalm 22:1

I love this book, because it touches on so many emotions, and really resonates with so many different circumstances. Whatever you’re walking through, there’s likely a Psalm that you could connect to and sit with for a while and let the words sink below the surface and bring comfort to your soul.

I’ve also flopped-open this book in the midst of deep pain. Knowing that I didn’t know how to articulate the specific words I felt at the time, and through direction of the Holy Spirit, I’ve landed on words all too familiar to me…causing my heart to swell with emotion and in full resonance with this ancient (but relevant) text.

Today, has been one of those times…

Lord, I come to You for protection;

Don’t let me be disgraced.

Save me and rescue me,

For you do what is right.

Turn your ear to listen to me,

And set me free.

Be my rock of safety

Where I can always hide.

My God, You have rescued me in my past from the power of the wicked,

And from the clutches of spiritual abuse.

O Lord, You alone are my hope.

I’ve trusted You, O LORD from childhood.

No wonder I am always praising You!

My life is an example to many,

Because You have been my strength and protection.

That is why I can’t stop praising You;

I declare Your glory all day long.

People are whispering against me,

But You are my help and responsible for my reputation.

I will keep on hoping for Your help

I will praise You more and more.

I will tell everyone about Your righteousness.

All day long I will proclaim Your saving power,

Though I am not skilled with words.

O God, You have taught me from my earliest childhood,

And I constantly tell others about the wonderful things You do.

Now that I am older

Do not abandon me, O God.

Let me proclaim Your power to this new generation,

Your mighty miracles to all who come after me.

Who can compare with you, O God?

You have allowed me to suffer much hardship,

But You will restore me to life again

And lift me up and comfort me once again.

You are faithful to Your promises, O my God.

I will shout for joy and sing your praises,

For You have ransomed me.

(excerpts from Psalm 71)

How awesome that we serve a God that still speaks, encourages, and brings peace through His Word. I will continue to find hope in Him, until the day I die.

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