Reading through the book of Esther, we see so clearly the work of satan through a man named Haman, as hatred, comparison and fear manifests in his life in many ways. The evil in Haman’s heart carried influence in the lives of others – producing an irrevocable decree to end the lives of all Jewish people in the land of Persia, and their enemies would receive plunder as a reward for all that they killed.
When all seemed hopeless, with no way forward, God made a way. Through a godly man named Mordecai and his cousin, Queen Esther, the people of God united together in prayer and fasting. This resulted in Esther courageously interceding for the people of God as she appeared before the King and requested help for the Jewish people. Haman’s evil plan backfired as the King decreed that the Jews had his authority to unite and defend their lives, allowing them to take ground, fight back, and bring victory over any and all enemies that would come against them.
Looking around the world today, we don’t have to look far to see people who are desperate and hopeless. Jesus Christ is our true source of hope and peace, available for all people who would turn to Him for relief. But it takes the people of God coming together, using their voices to make a difference in the lives of others, and pointing the lost and broken to the Source of our hope.
The book of Esther is such a great reminder to us of God’s divine protection over our lives and the peace and security that is found in Him alone. We know that because of God’s great love for us, that He would send us Jesus who would bring us never-ending hope, love, and joy, both now and for eternity. (ref. John 3:16) He is our ultimate Deliverer. And because of that, all believers have a reason to celebrate today! For our God is like no other.
God is still saving today. May we be women who celebrate the deliverance we’ve received through Jesus. May the love and truth of Jesus the Messiah, shine through our lives – that we would be light in the darkness, pointing others to Him. May we never forget what God has delivered us from. And may we always remember what we’ve been delivered to - a life of love and purpose!
“Who knows if perhaps you were made…for such a time as this?” – Esther 4:14