Today is the celebration of Epiphany. The book-end celebration of the 12 days of Christmas, focused on commemorating when the Magi arrived to see Jesus.
There are so many details that we don’t know, regarding these wisemen. Like, were there three of them? Or do we just assume that because there were three gifts stated in the Scriptures. Were they Jews or Gentiles? Where specifically in the East did they come from and just how long did it take them to get to Bethlehem? While there’s much speculation around the time frame of when the wisemen arrived to worship and bring their gifts to Jesus… most scholars believe that Jesus was a toddler by the time they met Him. (ref. Matthew 2:16 suggests that the wise men reported to King Herod that the star showed up in the sky around 2 years prior.)
Regardless of all the details we don’t know, what we do know about these men is that they were dedicated in seeking the Messiah.
Can you imagine what it might have been like for them? Travelling by night. Away from family. Following a star based off of prophecies told hundreds of years earlier. What kind of faith did it take for them to believe that THAT star was THE star that would lead them to the Messiah? What kind of determination and perseverance did it take to keep going on the journey when they were tired and subject to the elements?
What a great lesson of encouragement we can glean from these wise men! To keep seeking.
Perhaps all your festive décor is already packed away and your mind is focused on what’s next for you as we start a new year… but can I encourage you today to pray for a heart that would be set on seeking Him, even though the Christmas season has drawn to a close and regardless of your current circumstance? May we be determined to seek Him whether we’re sure of where we’re going or not… determined to seek Him when life is full of joy and things are going as we hoped, as well as in the times when life is unexpected, hurtful, and hard.
“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13
God isn’t trying to trick us or play games and hide from us. He promises that as we seek Him, we will indeed find Him. Just like the star, He continues to draw us to Himself, guiding us to His Glory and to intimacy with Him.
May we be women who are determined to seek Him daily. May we be dedicated in our pursuit of knowing Him and believing Him, despite what others around us are saying. May we be grounded in the revelation of Who He is and What He’s done on our behalf, and what He continues to do for us. Seeking Him each day with all our heart.