“As Jesus and the disciples continued on their journey, they came to a village where a woman welcomed Jesus into her home. Her name was Martha and she had a sister named Mary. Mary sat down attentively before the Master, absorbing every revelation He shared. But Martha became exasperated with finishing the numerous household chores in preparation for her guests, so she interrupted Jesus and said, “Lord, don’t you think it’s unfair that my sister left me to do all the work by myself? You should tell her to get up and help me.”
The Lord answered her, “Martha, my beloved Martha. Why are you upset and troubled, pulled away by all these many distractions? Mary has discovered the one thing most important by choosing to sit at my feet. She is undistracted, and I won’t take this privilege from her.”
– Luke 10:38-42 (TPT)
This story in Scripture always makes me feel a little bad for Martha. I’m sure we all have been in her shoes at one time or another, having been so distracted with all that we had to do, that our perspective shifts. When our heart isn’t fueled by love, and our mindset is focused in on a checklist, we begin to see ourselves, our situation and those around us through an inaccurate lens.
But when we choose to take the time, and focus-in on Jesus as first in our day, it becomes easier to keep our perspective in check. It is hard to serve others with a heart posture of love without being filled by Love first. That daily fill-up with Jesus, is the manna -foundation that our lives are meant to flourish upon. Jesus said, “Bread alone will not satisfy, but true life is found in every word that constantly goes forth from God’s mouth.” – Matthew 4:4
It’s a choice.
It takes planning at times, spontaneity at others.
Courage to attentively listen.
A continuous desire to absorb whatever it is He wants to say to us.
To sit with Him, instead of “doing”, is where we’ll find the revelation that our soul craves. To choose to be at His feet, before we move on to the work of our day, is where true intimacy is built. Pure, dependant intimacy with the very One Who holds all the knowledge we need, the wisdom to discern, and the power to implement - carrying each revelation into action in our own lives. Intimacy that solidifies our foundation, so that nothing can shake it or tear it down.
Discovering Jesus is the beautiful, life-long, privilege that we each have, as His disciples. I want to encourage you today, to make the choice to take time to be with Him in silence. Picture in your mind what it would be like to sit at His feet, attentive like Mary. Be expectant to absorb a revelation from Him. True life is found in His every Word – and it is a privilege that will not be taken from you.