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Writer's pictureLeah Walters


“With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Mark 10:27

I don’t know what your specific circumstances are right now.

Maybe due to the pandemic, it’s financial strain, or depression. Maybe you have health concerns. Relationship issues. Or maybe you’ve been praying for change and you don’t see a way forward to improve your situation.

But God.

Nothing is impossible with Him.

Everything about our God is supernatural. He is a miracle. Our mortal minds cannot comprehend His mysterious ways.

We’re called to trust Him in the midst of the impossible.

And He supersedes all our expectations.

His love can ground our feet when slipping in doubt.

His word can shield our ears from believing the lies of the enemy.

And each breath we take can remind us of His initial breath that created us.

God also always provides a way forward. He’s working on things in us even before He brings things to us. But if our focus simply remains on the works of man, what we view to be possible, and only the things we can see, we won’t be prepared for what God has planned for us.

Truly our God can make the impossible, possible.

Today, let’s be praying that the Word of God and the reality of Who He is would be reignited in our Spirit. Calling out all negative voices that say there’s no way forward…that say that our circumstance is impossible…and that tell us there’s no hope and no purpose in where we find ourselves. And instead, we will see things as they are meant to be seen, gaining a perspective we are meant to have, and becoming a light of all that is possible to those still in the darkness.

What a calling.

What a privilege.

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