Jesus answered the disciples when they questioned Him about why He taught in parables. He said, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven…” (ref. Matthew 13:11)
As followers of Jesus, we too, have been granted access to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. God is good and wants to bring us revelation. He discloses Himself to those who seek Him, and promises us that when we seek Him, we will find Him. (ref. Jeremiah 29:13) It’s not that we MAY find Him, but that we WILL find Him - it all comes down to our heart’s desire. Do we desire Him more than anything else? Do we desire to understand His Word above all else? Do we desire to hear His voice above any other? Do we desire to know the secrets He has planned for us?
God said to the prophet Jeremiah, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” (ref. Jeremiah 33:3). We get to do the same! As His children we have access to Him, where we can ask Him to tell us things unknown about what is to come! Our time alone with Him is the fertile environment to receiving and understanding the secrets and mysteries of His heart, and because of His great love for us He’s passionate about sharing them with us.
What if we took time each day to sit in silence with an expectant heart, ready to hear what God wants to be sharing with us? What if we pictured ourselves sitting at the feet of Jesus, persistent to not move position until we received new revelation for the day? What if we desired Him that much?
May we be women who get lost in our time being in the presence of our Saviour. May we develop a thirst for listening. A hunger for the unfolding of new secrets from the One who laid down everything so He could be in communion with us.