“You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” – Acts 20:35
Giving is how God expressed His love for us. He is the ultimate giver! Giver of life itself, creation, purpose, hope, and so much more! But at the top of the list is that He gave us Jesus.
“God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (ref. Romans 5:8)
We could even go as far as saying that God’s love language is giving. We can’t outgive what God has given us. But we can be instruments of His love to others around us.
Certainly, the culture we live in, doesn’t need any more hype about buying someone the perfect gift, or feeding into the commercialized aspect of needing to buy tons of presents. But what we do need to experience more of, is thoughtfully and prayerfully planning out who we can bless. Asking God, who needs to be the recipient of love today? Who needs some encouragement? Who has a need that I have the resources available to me to meet their need?
What if we carved out the time to ask God these questions and be expectant that the Holy Spirit will reveal to us an answer of who, when, and where? What if sharing God’s love was our motivating factor this Christmas? Through our time, words, acts of kindness, prayers, and our resources.
So, who comes to your mind when you think of someone who could use a love blessing? Perhaps someone who has not yet heard the good news of Jesus, or maybe someone who needs a reminder that they’re seen and highly valued in the eyes of God – He gave His life for all of us!