“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other.” - Romans 12:9-10 (NLT)
Paul writes some very strong commands in these two verses -enough for us to chew on and take some good time for personal reflection.
Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them.
The type of love that Paul is talking about here is “agape” which means to love unconditionally. “Agape” is the kind of love that God has for all humanity, perfectly expressed through the life of Jesus Who died on a cross for all of humanity. It’s sacrificial love. Sincere. Never-ending love. Pure love. Covenant-keeping love of God for His people. In turn, it’s the same way we are to love God, and as we grow in our love for God, He changes us so that we can love others as He loves us. This is the core of what agape love is – it calls us to action, so we show this sincere genuine love to others, caring about their well-being without expecting anything in return. Love must be honest, be rooted in Truth, and sincere.
Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.
Hate is a very strong word. Almost seems odd that we would be instructed to hate. But we are to hate what is evil. Hate what drives us away from love. Hate the things or actions that bring division between us and intimacy with God. Instead, cling or hold tightly to all that is good… not what the world claims to be good. But good as in things that will drive us toward our Protector. Cling to His ways, His Truth, His love. Holding tight to the things that bring Him glory.
Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honouring each other.
When we embrace the kind of love that God has shown to us, we can genuinely express it to others. Here’s where the rubber hits the road with loving and hating…. We are never called to condone or to justify sin. We must hate evil. We can hate the evil that people have done, while showing genuine love to people. God’s love always stands on Truth - it doesn’t bow down to anything that isn’t holy. Genuine love manifests in action, it’s expressed in kindness, and kindness leads people to repentance (ref. Romans 2:4). We honour others by seeing them as worthy of God’s love.
So, how are you doing at expressing sincere love?
Who are the people right in front of you today that you can show genuine love to?
Thankfully, we’re never in this alone. Let’s be asking the Holy Spirit to teach us how to love like Jesus. I also believe it’s important that we ask the Holy Spirit to increase our awareness of what is evil. Let’s ask Him to teach us to hate all that is evil and those things hindering us from experiencing the full manifestation of God’s love in us, around us, and through us.