The Word existed as God before time began. The Word left Heaven to come to a world that was defeated by sin, becoming the sacrifice for all, in order to restore to holy order where Creator and creation co-exist together.
I love The Message paraphrase detailing Jesus’ entrance to earth:
“The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” – John 1:14 MSG
The Word bore a new name and showed up with skin on.
Jesus the Son of God – God incarnate.
A perfect collision of humanity and divinity wrapped up in flesh.
Fully God. Fully Man.
A holy conception.
A perfect masterpiece of how we should live.
A ransomed love nailed to a tree.
Hope restored with an empty tomb.
Brokenness made whole for all who believe.
The awe is not lost on me in this moment, at the great love that God lavished on all of humanity by sending Jesus into the world. We’ll never be able to fully comprehend the great power and love our God has for us. The very fact that He took part of Himself – the Word that spoke Creation into existence – as the sacrifice that would save all who believed, in order to bring us back into relationship with Him…makes me revel in the wonder of it all.
As great as it is, this love isn’t meant to leave us only revelling in wonder, it’s meant to change us. To affect every area of our lives.
This love is meant to burn like fire within us… changing how we think. How we live. How we breathe. How we love. What we do. What we say. Changing the Why behind everything..
What kind of love changes us this way? A love that moves from Heaven to earth. Moves into our neighbourhoods. Changes hearts. Sealing an eternal destiny.
The Word = Jesus.