“I love you, Lord;
You are my strength.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Saviour;
My God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
And my place of safety.” – Psalm 18:1-2
David’s words are sung after being delivered from King Saul and all those who rallied to kill him. David could’ve depended on his own strength, using his own vengeance to retaliate against Saul but he didn’t. (ref. 1Samuel 24) He listened to God for direction and waited for his timing, trusting that He would deliver him through the trials he was facing. David held his confidence in God.
I wonder how often we try to draw strength from something outside of God? I mean, there are certainly lots of voices around us that say, “you can do anything!”, or “you got this, girl!”
And yet when I read scripture, those voices don’t line up with what God is telling me in the written Word. We can do nothing apart from Him…. Nothing of value. Nothing that lasts. Nothing that is good. Nothing that has eternal value. (ref. John 15:5)
God alone is our strength.
He is our rock, and our continual protection.
Only Jesus brings us Salvation and only He will bring a victory like no other, to earth, when He comes again from Heaven. And the beautiful thing is He invites us to live God-strong lives, where we get to fight from a place of victory - fighting not from our own strength, but from the Christ in us.
May we be women who are God-strong, holding onto Him with everything. Allowing Him into all areas of our life and giving our full dependency to Him alone. Surrendering our will to His, allowing Him to lead us, protect us, shield us, and hold us in the security of His presence. We can’t do it in our own strength – even though we may try - it is by Christ alone, and His Spirit in us that we are strong.
Is there an area of your life that you’ve been battling on your own? If so, may today be the day to repent of that and surrender fully to Him, allowing His strength to lead you through the trials, tribulations and victories that are marked out for your journey.