“Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come” – 2 Corinthians 1:21-22
These verses have given me such comfort this morning and I pray they comfort you as well...
God has given us what we need to stand firm in Christ.
Thank you for steadying my feet on the firm foundation of your Word and Truth. Prepare me to go where you want me to go and do what you want me to do. Bind me to your will Lord.
God has anointed us.
Thank you for anointing me – for giving me access to You through prayer and worship. And for making a way for me to be in relationship with You.
God has set His seal of ownership on us.
Thank You for placing my name in the Lambs Book of Life, and for giving me the seal of Salvation. I cannot thank You enough for Your love – saving me by grace through faith in Jesus Christ your Son.
God has put His Spirit in our hearts.
Thank You for the Holy Spirit – who breathes in fresh life to my soul and guides me in Your ways. Please direct me and continue to breathe fresh life into me daily.
God’s deposit of the Holy Spirit is our guarantee of what is to come.
Thank You, Father, that You know the future here on earth. That You have plans for me to fulfill a purpose, drawing others to know You intimately. Thank You for Your Spirit that gives me a taste of Heaven and the promise of a future that Jesus will one day return to earth to bring us into eternal communion with You. Thank You, God, that You have overcome all evil, including death, and that You stand victorious…which means I stand victorious. Amen.