When’s the last time you stopped and considered repentance a privilege?
It’s usually seen as the tail-between-the-legs moment of guilt and embarrassment.
The “I’m sorry I still suck, God”, the reminder that you’re not as far along as you thought or hoped you were…
But there’s actually a major aspect of it that’s a privilege. Yep! A privilege.
Follow me here for a minute…
We get to talk to our Creator. We get to talk to Him about something He already knows has happened…and not only that, it’s already been paid for. So we don’t actually sulk-down in the act of repentance like God will be mad at us forever, or we’ll have to carry around that sin until we ‘give it over to Him’… instead we bring Him these moments of giving in to our weaknesses because we get to have a relationship with our Creator. Because He’s put power in the act of confession that helps us make headway on those things and weaken the grip they have on us. We get to sit at the feet of the Almighty and know that as we repent of our selfishness, we are already loved…already approved…already part of the family. We don’t bring things before a god who is going to ‘lose His mind’ when he finds out what we did, or reconsider our value because we went back on our word of “I‘ll never do that again”.
He looks to us in our moments of repentance and He knows that the Perfect Remedy is exactly what we needed. That the price paid by His Son was the only way back to Him.
The Perfect Remedy…His Son…Jesus.
Who knew that the little baby born to Mary would be exactly what we needed…would make it possible for us to have the privilege of repentance… He did.
The Gift - Grace incarnate - continually drawing us to Himself.
“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” – Hebrews 4:16