One of my favourite passages of Scripture is in John chapter 4, where Jesus has a beautiful life-changing conversation with a Samaritan Woman at a well. He offers her Living Water to fill her soul and quench her spiritual thirst.
Jesus said, “Those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” (John 4:13).
I love the imagery of the fresh bubbling spring, where God is the fountain of living water that continually flows in and through all who believe. Which means our souls can find the nourishment they need to live an abundant life in Christ, full of His Spirit.
I’m declaring the need and desire for His living water in my life today. To be filled up again, to overflowing, and cling to the promise that by His grace, it will never run dry.
Living water gives us faith to endure when we’re ready to give up
Living water focuses us on His strength, instead of bleeding out from our weakness
Living water removes the blindfold to our own self-deception
Living water cleanses our past, in order to restore us for the future
Living water draws us close when our restless minds crave clarity
Living water relentlessly calls us to eternal springs, when we’ve wandered our way to parched land.
Living water demands us to trust when the road is uncertain or against all logic
Living water nourishes the mind with power, love and self-discipline
Living water brings peace to our pain and keeps our heads high above the storm
Living water stills the fight within us, so God can fight for us
Living water tells us we’re infinitely more, when we feel infinitely less
Living water shows us the exit, when offenses of bitterness sweeps over and tries to take us out
Living water increases the capacity to breathe, when the Tidal waves of life pulls us under
Living water upholds us from fainting, when we’re weary from treading in our own sorrow.
Living water commands us to rebuke every lie from The Accuser and promises us that we will prevail
Living water gives us a voice to stand up for the broken, the lost and unjust
Living water calls us to a place where we can’t out-give what God has done for us
Living water helps us develop a love for Jesus, more than anything that could ever compare
Living water, THE Source that never runs dry, all because of the ONE who was sanctified
Living water is…
The Dam breaking
Soul awakening
Heart Pounding
Salvation Bounding
Focus Shifting
Sin sifting
Freedom Ringing
Choir Singing
Will Surrendering
Worship Rendering
Fear Melting
Gospel Belting
Christ-like living
Baton giving
Joy thrilling
Kingdom building
Spirit resounding
Truth abounding
Jesus sending
Victorious ending
Life-changing water that never runs dry