“And without faith living within us it would be impossible to please God. For we come to God in faith knowing that He is real and that He rewards the faith of those who passionately seek Him.” – Hebrews 11:6
In the midst of life’s difficulties is when we’re really challenged as to whether we truly believe that God exists and whether or not we will trust Him with our circumstance. It’s not enough to just believe in His existence, for Scripture tells us even the demons believe that He exists (ref. James 2:19). But what we do with the belief we have in Him is where we make it personal. It’s our faith that leads us into relationship with Him. It’s our faith that chooses to allow Him to lead us, and us to follow. Faith in action cultivates a surrendered life that produces more faith… strengthened by our last decision to choose Him, and the courage to choose Him again for our next. Building faith becomes the foundation of our abundant life in Him.
So how are you building your faith with God lately?
Where are you trusting Him that doesn’t make sense in the natural, but with Him you know that all things are possible?
Have you asked Him where He wants to strengthen you?
May we be women who build faith one day at a time – choosing Him over and over again. Positioning ourselves to let Him lead and show us which way to go, depending on Him to provide as He promised that He would. May our intimacy grow deeper and deeper, as we seek Him, and allow Him to produce in us the beauty and evidence of a life sought after Him. May He keep us where our life’s passion remains in Him. And may we see every circumstance as an opportunity for building faith.