“God is not a man, that He should lie;
He doesn’t change His mind like humans do.
Has He ever promised,
Without doing what He said?”
- Numbers 23:19 (TLB)
I am so thankful that God is not confined to the ways of humanity. He literally cannot lie, because He cannot sin. Doesn’t knowing this just stir up some joy in you? Regardless of how many people have let us down, lied to us, or hurt us, our God is trustworthy. What He says will happen, we can trust that He won’t change His mind.
There are thousands upon thousands of promises that He has made to all those that call Him Father. The Scriptures are full of personal promises to each of us, full of promises to the Bride of Christ – His Church. Every single follower of Jesus that holds the written Word in their hands, holds promises that God spoke over us before time began. These promises are waiting for us to discover them, to believe by faith that they’re ours. The greatest gift we have ever been given is Jesus. He is the manifestation of what Love is. He gave Himself for us, and He will never be taken away from those who choose Him as their Saviour.
The Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:20: “For all the promises of God find their Yes in [Jesus]. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His Glory.” (ESV) All the promises that He’s laid out for us, are fulfilled in Jesus. Every promise He has spoken to us is guaranteed to happen in the natural and spiritual realm because Jesus’ blood was shed on our behalf, paying the price of all our sin. The Living Bible, words it this way: “He carries out and fulfills all of God’s promises, no matter how many of them there are.” We are so unworthy of all God’s given to us and continues to give us from the moment we’re saved, through until eternity. Because of His great love for us, He can’t help but give good gifts to His children.
As we follow Jesus, by His Word and His Spirit, let us proclaim Amen to God, for all He’s done! Amen to His Faithfulness! Amen to every promise!